Below are details about the wedding, and other useful information. Please reach out if you have a question not anwsered here.
There are multiple Hotels close by or close to Dublin depending on what you want.
Here is a link to some close by suggested by the venue: Link
Due to space limitations and guest number restrictions, we are only able to accommodate a select number of attendees. Your invitation email will specify the details of those included.
For any questions on this please reach out to us.
We are not asking for any gifts, attending is the only thing we are looking for!
If you would like to bring us a card, there will be a chest to store them in at the reception.
Smart Casual, The weather "should" be nice but who knows with Ireland in May!
A three course meal will be provided at the reception, The menu can be seen here: TBD
Canapés and nibbles are available throughtout the drinks reception.
If you have any dietry requirements, you can let us know on the RSVP form.